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Art Teacher: Mr. Palacio
Paterson Public Schools (School #3)
Web Link:
Updated: 2023-2024
July 2024:
Grade 4: Didian Chacon : The Friendship Treasure:
Grade 4: Arielle Cruz: Time with Mommy Owl
Mr. Palacio - School#3 Art Gallery - 2021-Present (Padlet Link)
Congratulations to all the students published on my Padlet gallery below. More work will be added this school year.
The judging was performed by the Paterson Fire Department. The project was completed in art class as part of a Fire Prevention Awareness lesson. The contest is put together by the Youth Guidance Council in partnership with Paterson Fire Department.
Winners of the 2023 Passaic County Calendar Poster Contest
School #3
Evelyn Duran (4th Grade) 3rd Place Winner!
Joselin Romero (4th Grade) Honorable Mention
Danielle Ireland-Imhof, Passaic County Clerk, is pleased to announce the winners of the 27th Annual My County Poster Calendar Contest. This program creates an opportunity for fourth graders to design a poster reflecting Passaic County’s great history, local interest, recreational sites, and cultural diversity; creating a greater sense of community and pride for their county. This year, we received more than 470 beautiful poster submissions, setting an all-time record!
All winners received medals and tee-shirts, with first, second, and third place winners also receiving gift certificates to Barnes and Noble, courtesy of the Passaic County Clerk’s Office. Each of the artists that participated in the contest received a Certificate of Merit. Congratulations to all the winners and a special thank you to all the parents and guardians, teachers and administrators for your support which helped make this year a huge success!
Winners of the 2022 Paterson Fire Prevention Poster Contest
School #3
Chriss Alvarado (8th Grade)
Eizel Jimenez (7th Grade) Honorable Mention
The judging was performed by the Paterson Fire Department. The project was completed in art class as part of a Fire Prevention Awareness lesson. The contest is put together by the Youth Guidance Council in partnership with Paterson Fire Department.
The ceremony will be held on:
Monday, November 21st at the City Hall Council Chambers, 155 Market Street, third floor, Paterson, NJ. The ceremony will start promptly at 5 p.m. Everyone should be seated no later than 4:45 pm.
The winners of the 2021 Fire Prevention Poster and Coloring Contest have been selected. K-4 participated in a coloring sheet contest and grades 5-8 participated in creating a fire prevention poster. The judging (by Paterson’s Fire Department) was difficult, as there were so many wonderful entries across Paterson Public Schools.
The winners from School#3 are:
Isaias Deonate PS #3 (Grade 1-Ms. Shanahan/Mr. Palacio)
Arielle Cruz PS #3 (Grade 2-Ms McMillan/Mr. Palacio)
Leylani Carrion PS#3 (Grade 3-Ms. Auletta/Mr. Palacio)
Kelly Garcia PS#3 (Grade 4-Ms. Arroyo/Mr. Palacio)
Liliana Carrion PS#3 (Grade 4-Ms.Arroyo/Mr. Palacio)
Emily Hernandez PS#3 (Grade 5-Ms. Carnero/Mr. Palacio)
The students will be presented with their award on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. The ceremony will take place at the City Hall Council Chambers, third floor, 155 Market Street, Paterson NJ. The ceremony will start promptly at 5 pm.
Seven PPS Students Win Honors In Passaic County’s My County Poster Contest
April 2021 Paterson Post.pdf (PDF)
Click on the link below to connect to the 2020-2021 Districtwide Art Exhibit. The exhibit is broken down into elementary, middle school, and high school.
Congratulations to 4th graders Noraiyah Carlo and Brandon Falero for being selected as winners in the 2021 Passaic County Calendar and Anderson Mendoza as honorable mention. Out of a total of 240, submissions (the most ever in its history) 12 were selected for the calendar. We are the only school that had 2 students on the calendar.
Copies of the poster will be on display at schools, libraries, and government buildings throughout Passaic County and available to downloaded below.
Virtual Announcement:
Poster Contest Page:
Mr. Palacio - School#3 Art Gallery - 2020-2021 (Padlet Link)
Congratulations to all the students published on my Padlet gallery below. More work will be added throughout this school year.
Board of Education Meeting 11/18/20
Hispanic Heritage Month
Artwork from students in Paterson Public Schools including School#3 were presented during this board meeting.
Artwork presented during this meeting include: Fernando Tellez, Liliana Carrion, Anderson Mendoza, Brandon Falero, Brianna Herrera, Brianna Millet, Irani Armenta, Jazlyn Jimenez, Ashley Taoza, Iliangel Gutierrez, Ilianny Gutierrez, Rosa Geronimo, and Sasha Medina.
Mr.Palacio - School#3 Hall of Fame Art Gallery (The very best) (Padlet Link)
Congratulations to all the students published on my Padlet gallery below. This is a portfolio of the work I do with my students. (Work in progress). More artwork to be added over time.